Episode 20: Mental Health & Faith – A Conversation with Catholic Therapist Tommy Tighe

Episode 20: Mental Health & Faith – A Conversation with Catholic Therapist Tommy Tighe

Meet Tommy! In this episode, Jacque and Megan talk with Tommy Tighe, host of Saint Dymphna’s Playbook, a podcast about finding mental well-being as a Catholic with the help of community and the saints. Tommy is a marriage and family therapist, husband, and father. In each episode Tommy addresses different mental health issues, introduces listeners to a saint who is relevant to mental health and wellness, and responds to questions from Twitter followers. He talks about topics such as fasting and eating disorders, scrupulosity, and vocations and mental illness. 

This episode discusses misconceptions about mental illness, especially in church communities, practical advice for people who are struggling, and answers questions such as whether a Christian should seek out a Christian therapist. 


Follow Tommy on Twitter

Tommy’s Podcast: St. Dymphna’s Playbook

Books written by Tommy

History of St. Dymphna

Mental Health Work in Geel, Belgium


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