Category: Counseling

Episode 7: My Journey with Anxiety

Episode 7: My Journey with Anxiety

Everyone’s experience with anxiety is different, but in this episode, Megan details how anxiety has affected her throughout her life. Although she still struggles, Megan outlines areas in her life where she has seen healing, how mental illness has affected her spiritual life, and her feelings towards medication. Your story may be different, but we hope you are encouraged in knowing that you are not alone.

Warning: This episode discusses mental illness, specifically anxiety disorders, suicidal ideation, and vague mentions of self-harm. 

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

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Episode 5: The Path of Healing is the Valley of Death

Episode 5: The Path of Healing is the Valley of Death

Healing is not linear and often is not spontaneous. How do we find hope in healing? What does the process look like?

In this episode, Jacque discusses what she has learned about healing in her own life. Many of her thoughts come from listening to podcast The Place We Find Ourselves hosted by counselor Adam Young, a three part series of healing where he brings in both the clinical, psychological, but also the deeply spiritual elements of healing and how they very much coincide.

PODCAST MENTIONED: The Place We Find Ourselves

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Episode 2: Anxiety – Stigma and Struggles

Episode 2: Anxiety – Stigma and Struggles

What is anxiety? Should you take medication? Can Christians struggle with anxiety? In this episode, Jacque and Megan dive into these questions and more while discussing their personal struggles with anxiety and the stigmas they have faced.

BOOK MENTIONED: I Believe in Love: A Personal Retreat Based on the Teaching of St. Thérèse of Lisieux by Jean C. J. d’Elbée
Buy it here

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