Episode 30: Unity Between Catholics & Protestants: A Conversation with Austin Suggs from Gospel Simplicity

Episode 30: Unity Between Catholics & Protestants: A Conversation with Austin Suggs from Gospel Simplicity

In this episode, Jacque and Megan talk with Austin Suggs from Gospel SimplicityGospel Simplicity began as a YouTube channel in a Moody Bible Institute dorm. It was born out of the central conviction that the gospel is really good news that should be shared with as many people as possible. Austin creates content around biblical and theological topics, often interacting with people from across the Christian tradition with the hope of seeking greater unity and introducing people to the beautiful simplicity and transformative power of the gospel, the good news about Jesus.

Some topics discussed in this episode are:

  1. When do doctrinal differences become issues that require division?
  2. What would it take for Protestants to join Catholics or vice versa?
  3. How to respond to Protestants who reject the legitimacy of a Catholic’s faith and vice versa.
  4. Will there ever be a union of all different Christian traditions on this side of heaven?


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