Category: Catholicism

Episode 30: Unity Between Catholics & Protestants: A Conversation with Austin Suggs from Gospel Simplicity

Episode 30: Unity Between Catholics & Protestants: A Conversation with Austin Suggs from Gospel Simplicity

In this episode, Jacque and Megan talk with Austin Suggs from Gospel SimplicityGospel Simplicity began as a YouTube channel in a Moody Bible Institute dorm. It was born out of the central conviction that the gospel is really good news that should be shared with as many people as possible. Austin creates content around biblical and theological topics, often interacting with people from across the Christian tradition with the hope of seeking greater unity and introducing people to the beautiful simplicity and transformative power of the gospel, the good news about Jesus.

Some topics discussed in this episode are:

  1. When do doctrinal differences become issues that require division?
  2. What would it take for Protestants to join Catholics or vice versa?
  3. How to respond to Protestants who reject the legitimacy of a Catholic’s faith and vice versa.
  4. Will there ever be a union of all different Christian traditions on this side of heaven?


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Episode 27: The Messy Parts of Converting

Episode 27: The Messy Parts of Converting

Meet Reilly! In this episode, Jacque and Megan talk to Reilly about her conversion story from a non-denominational, Protestant background to the Catholic Church. They discuss the messy parts of conversion, the difficulties and doubts that come along with it, and also the good and beautiful parts as well.

Follow Reilly on Twitter


Episode 26: Lust as a Feminine Vice – A Conversation with Clare McCallan

Episode 26: Lust as a Feminine Vice – A Conversation with Clare McCallan

We tend to associate lust as more of a masculine vice but women also struggle. In this episode, Jacque and Megan interview Clare McCallan, author and spoken word poet, who wrote a piece on lust as a feminine vice. Clare talks about the difference between healthy sexual desire and lust, how lust is different from real love, and much more. 


Clare McCallan Documentary

Follow Clare on Instagram

Clare’s Website

Clare’s book Stations

Episode 24: What Do We Think About Birth Control?

Episode 24: What Do We Think About Birth Control?

Can a Christian couple take birth control? Are there forms that are permissible? Why is the Catholic Church against contraceptives? Jacque and Megan discuss their differing views in this episode.

Statistics on who takes birth control

Resources for Megan’s View:

John Piper on Birth Control

Matt Pearman on Birth Control

Resources for Jacque’s View:

Historical Church Teaching on Contraception

Natural Family Planning (NFP)

Catechism of the Catholic Church #2362

Catechism of the Catholic Church #2363

Catechism of the Catholic Church #2364

Episode 23: Finding God In Your Struggle with Mental Illness – A Conversation with Kristen Deasy

Episode 23: Finding God In Your Struggle with Mental Illness – A Conversation with Kristen Deasy

TW: This episode discusses mental health struggles such as depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidality.

Meet Kristen! Jacque and Megan talk with Kristen Deasy, mental health advocate and founder of “The Human Condition”.  The mission of “The Human Condition” is to change the narrative that mental health and faith are mutually exclusive through promoting hope, healing, and conversation. “The Human Condition” hopes to inspire those living with mental illness that God has a plan for them; to be great saints in the midst of their suffering.

This episodes discusses the integration of faith and mental health, self harm, suicide, and finding God in our suffering. 


Follow Kristen on Instagram

Follow The Human Condition on Instagram

The Human Condition Website

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Episode 22: Surviving (and Thriving) Through a Breakup

Episode 22: Surviving (and Thriving) Through a Breakup

Meet Rebecca! In this episode, Jacque and Megan discuss with Rebecca how to survive and thrive through the heartache of a breakup. Rebecca talks about common thoughts and struggles, practical tips, and how God creates something new out of our rubble.

Resources Mentioned:

Be Healed by Dr. Bob Schuchts

Episode 20: Mental Health & Faith – A Conversation with Catholic Therapist Tommy Tighe

Episode 20: Mental Health & Faith – A Conversation with Catholic Therapist Tommy Tighe

Meet Tommy! In this episode, Jacque and Megan talk with Tommy Tighe, host of Saint Dymphna’s Playbook, a podcast about finding mental well-being as a Catholic with the help of community and the saints. Tommy is a marriage and family therapist, husband, and father. In each episode Tommy addresses different mental health issues, introduces listeners to a saint who is relevant to mental health and wellness, and responds to questions from Twitter followers. He talks about topics such as fasting and eating disorders, scrupulosity, and vocations and mental illness. 

This episode discusses misconceptions about mental illness, especially in church communities, practical advice for people who are struggling, and answers questions such as whether a Christian should seek out a Christian therapist. 


Follow Tommy on Twitter

Tommy’s Podcast: St. Dymphna’s Playbook

Books written by Tommy

History of St. Dymphna

Mental Health Work in Geel, Belgium


Episode 19: Redemption in a Broken Engagement

Episode 19: Redemption in a Broken Engagement

Meet Michaela! We are thrilled to have Michaela come on and talk about her experience with a broken engagement and God’s healing in her life. Michaela describes her story as, “the most unexpected and unimaginable blessing in my life” and hopes that the truth of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection may be seen in the midst of it.


Follow Michaela on Instagram

Read Michaela’s story HERE

Check out Michaela’s work: thrifted & threaded, Litany NYC

Podcast mentioned: The Place We Find Ourselves

Episode 18: Dealing with Rejection

Episode 18: Dealing with Rejection

We’ve all experienced rejection, and more than likely there are a few particular rejections in your life that sting longer than others. Whether it is a job we really wanted, a relationship we loved, or a family member we wanted in our life, the pain of rejection hits deeply. Why does rejection hurt so much? What are practical and spiritual steps we can take towards healing? In this episode, Jacque and Megan reflect on the effects of rejection and how to deal with it.


Source on MRI Studies

Psalm 139

Lyrics to “The Never Haves” by artist Foreknown

Life of the Beloved by Henri Nowen

Episode 17: Catholic vs. Protestant – Views on Mary

Episode 17: Catholic vs. Protestant – Views on Mary

Do Catholics worship Mary? Why don’t Protestants pray to Mary? Why is Mary important? Where do Protestants and Catholics disagree about the mother of Jesus? In this episode, Jacque and Megan discuss their differing views on Mary’s role in a Christian’s walk and work to dispel common myths.

Resources for Jacque’s View:

Worship vs. Veneration: Latria, Hyperdulia And Dulia

Perpetual Virginity: Canons of the Lateran Council of 649, The Translation of Adelphos and Adelphoi, Adelphos Meaning in Bible – New Testament Greek Lexicon, John 19:26

Immaculate Conception: Genesis 3:15, Kecharitomene, Luke 1:28

Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate: John 2:5, Colossians 1:24, 1 Corinthians 3:9

Queen of Heaven: Gebirah, Revelation 12:1-6

Books: Introduction to Mary: The Heart of Marian Doctrine and Devotion, Meet Your Mother: A Brief Introduction to Mary

Resources for Megan’s View:

Worship vs. Veneration: John Calvin’s ViewFestival Sermons of Martin Luther

Perpetual Virginity: Luke 2:6-7, Matthew 1:24-25, Luke 8:19-21, Adelphos, Argument against perpetual virginity

Immaculate Conception: kecharitomene, Romans 6:23, 1 John 1:8

Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate: 1 Timothy 2:5, Co-Redemptrix

Queen of Heaven: Desiring God article