Category: Pro-Life

Episode 67: Maternity Housing, the good, the bad, and the beautiful – An Interview with Faith Cintron

Episode 67: Maternity Housing, the good, the bad, and the beautiful – An Interview with Faith Cintron

Today we are honored to talk with Faith Cintron about her work in maternity housing. Faith has worked in maternity homes for 12 years and currently runs two homes in the Chicago area. We talked with Faith about how she started in maternity housing, how she supports the moms physically, emotionally, and spiritually, challenges, victories, and so much more! //

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Episode 65: Pro-Life Advocacy – An Interview with Sami Parker

Episode 65: Pro-Life Advocacy – An Interview with Sami Parker

Today we are joined with Sami Parker, a Social Media Advocate at Live Action. Live Action is a pro-life organization dedicated to education on issues of abortion, family, and human rights. We talked with Sami about her work with Live Action, how she joined the pro-life movement, and online advocacy work. Although this is a sensitive topic, we look forward to sharing this conversation and are hoping for fruitful and kind dialogue. If you, or someone you know, are post-abortive, please know we have nothing but love for you. 


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Episode 24: What Do We Think About Birth Control?

Episode 24: What Do We Think About Birth Control?

Can a Christian couple take birth control? Are there forms that are permissible? Why is the Catholic Church against contraceptives? Jacque and Megan discuss their differing views in this episode.

Statistics on who takes birth control

Resources for Megan’s View:

John Piper on Birth Control

Matt Pearman on Birth Control

Resources for Jacque’s View:

Historical Church Teaching on Contraception

Natural Family Planning (NFP)

Catechism of the Catholic Church #2362

Catechism of the Catholic Church #2363

Catechism of the Catholic Church #2364

Episode 10: Is Abortion Ever Okay?

Episode 10: Is Abortion Ever Okay?

Are there ever cases where abortion is morally allowed? Many people who dislike abortion may feel that there are “exceptions” which is why they may hesitate to fight for abortion being made illegal. In this second installment of the abortion conversation, Jacque and Megan discuss rare, difficult, or traumatic experiences where people may wonder if abortion should be allowed. 

Disclaimer: This episode is meant for pro-lifers looking for better responses for their side, pro-choicers who want to understand the other side, or those who find this conversation interesting. This is not meant for women who have had an abortion or in any way meant to shame or hurt post-abortive women. 

Issues covered in this episode:

  1. Is abortion ever medically necessary? 
  2. What about ectopic pregnancies? 
  3. What about in cases of rape or incest? 
  4. What about babies who have a terminal diagnosis? 
  5. What about babies who have a disability? 
  6. Is abortion women’s liberation? 
  7. Is abortion regret real? 

Sources and Resources:

Dublin Declaration

Abortion is Never Medically Necessary, Story

A Conversation with a Former Abortionist

Ectopic Pregnancy

Kathy Barnett Story, Crystal’s Story, Darby’s Story, Jennifer’s Story

Terminal Fetal Diagnosis

Fetal Health Foundation, Fetal Health Statistics

Karen Gaffney

Abortion’s Racist Roots, Racism of NARAL founders

Early Feminist Views on Abortion

A Post Abortive Conversation with Nancy Kreuzer


Find a Pregnancy Center near you: Heartbeat International Worldwide Directory

Episode 9: Addressing Common Arguments for Abortion

Episode 9: Addressing Common Arguments for Abortion

What are common arguments used to defend abortion? How should pro-lifers respond? In this episode, Jacque and Megan discuss how they think through these issues and why human life of all forms, no matter how vulnerable, should be defended. 

Disclaimer: This episode is meant for pro-lifers looking for better responses for their side, pro-choicers who want to understand the other side, or those who find this conversation interesting. This is not meant for women who have had an abortion or in any way meant to shame or hurt post-abortive women. 

Issues covered in this episode:

  1. Is abortion healthcare?
  2. When does life begin/Is a fetus parasite?
  3. Is a fetus a person?
  4. Do we have the right to bodily autonomy? (“My body, my choice.”)
  5. Can we politically support abortion while believing it is evil? (“I’m personally pro-life but politically pro-choice”)
  6. Does abortion help overpopulation? 
  7. Is abortion constitutional/should it be legal?
  8. If abortion isn’t legal, won’t women die from “back-alley” abortions?
  9. “If you don’t like abortion, than just don’t have one”
  10. “If you don’t like abortion, shouldn’t you focus on adoption or foster care?”

Sources and Resources:

Definition of Healthcare

Abortion Procedures

Life begins at fertilization, Source 2, Source 3

Fetal Development

States Prosecute Pregnant Women Using Drugs

Live Action video on personhood

Live Action video on overpopulation

Live Action video on Ninth Amendment

Side-effects of Abortion

Decrease in maternal deaths after abortion legalization

Nathanson and Lader lies

Maternal Mortality

Abortion increase/Abortion Pill

Safety Regulations/Medical Practices for Abortion Clinics

Adoption Statistics


Find a Pregnancy Center near you: Heartbeat International Worldwide Directory

Episode 3: Working on the Front-Lines of the Pro-Life Movement

Episode 3: Working on the Front-Lines of the Pro-Life Movement

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work at a pro-life crisis pregnancy center? Do they actually help women? Do they only care about the baby until it’s born? In this episode, Jacque and Megan discuss working on the frontlines of the pro-life movement, the lessons they have learned, and the struggles they have faced.

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