Episode 80: Why we both REJECT double predestination

Episode 80: Why we both REJECT double predestination

Today we talk about something both of us agree on…that we don’t believe the Calvinistic view of double predestination is Biblical. A few of the points we touch on in this episode:    What is double predestination? Do all Calvinists hold to double predestination? Is double predestination Biblical? Why do we reject it?   Helpful …

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Episode 79: Converting to Catholicism with Guest Bryan Topham from Quest for Faith

Episode 79: Converting to Catholicism with Guest Bryan Topham from Quest for Faith

This week we are excited to talk to Bryan Topham from the channel @QuestforFaithwithBryan about his journey converting from Church of Christ to Catholicism. Bryan started his channel with the goal to explain the Catholic Faith from the perspective of a newcomer.    Bryan’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@QuestforFaithwithBryan   Let’s Talk About it with Jacque and Megan …

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Episode 78: Visiting a Lutheran Service

Episode 78: Visiting a Lutheran Service

This week, Jacque asks Megan about her experience visiting two different Lutheran services for the first time.   Let’s Talk About it with Jacque and Megan is a podcast born from our friendship. We are two people with very different beliefs, yet a shared desire to have understanding and unity! We love to have good …

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Episode 77: Why Jacque is Catholic (and not Protestant)

Episode 77: Why Jacque is Catholic (and not Protestant)

This week we chat about why Jacque is Catholic, what she loves most about the Catholic Church, and reasons why she won’t become Protestant. Is there a topic in this episode you’d like us to dig deeper into? Let us know in the comments! Sources: https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/is-there-really-no-salvation-outside-the-catholic-church Dei verbum (vatican.va) Catechism of the Catholic Church – …

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Episode 76: Why Megan is Protestant (and not Catholic)

Episode 76: Why Megan is Protestant (and not Catholic)

This week we chat about why Megan is Protestant, things she loves about the Protestant tradition, and reasons why she won’t convert to Catholicism. Is there a topic in this episode you’d like us to dig deeper into? Let us know in the comments! Article on Anglican priesthood: https://northamanglican.com/the-protestant-problem-with-priesthood/#post-11512-endnote-ref-8 Let’s Talk About it with Jacque …

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Episode 74: A Catholic & Protestant talk about Relics

Episode 74: A Catholic & Protestant talk about Relics

In this episode, we talk about the practice of venerating relics. What are relics? What are the different classifications of relics? What is the Catholic theology behind venerating relics? Do Protestants believe we shouldn’t venerate relics? Listen in as we discuss Catholic and Protestant perspectives on this!   Jacque’s Sources: https://www.catholiceducation.org/en/culture/catholic-contributions/church-teaching-on-relics.html#:~:text=To%20venerate%20the%20relics%20of%20the%20saints%20is,Church%2C%20they%20as%20members%20of%20the%20Church%20triumphant. https://uscatholic.org/articles/202312/glad-you-asked-why-do-catholics-venerate-relics/ https://www.catholic.com/tract/relics Megan’s Sources: …

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Episode 73: A Catholic & Protestant talk about Icons

Episode 73: A Catholic & Protestant talk about Icons

In this episode, we talk about the practice of venerating icons. Does religious imagery have a place in Christianity? Are Catholics wrong for venerating icons? Is veneration a form of worship? Listen in as we discuss Catholic and Protestant perspectives on this!   Jacque’s Sources: Veneration of Images | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia “Catechism of Christian …

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Episode 72: A Catholic and Protestant talk about Purgatory and Indulgences

Episode 72: A Catholic and Protestant talk about Purgatory and Indulgences

What is the doctrine of Purgatory? Why don’t Protestants affirm this belief? Does Purgatory mean Christ’s sacrifice was not sufficient? Listen in as we discuss Catholic vs. Protestant perspectives on Purgatory! For the sake of a good-faith discussion, we’ll discuss the official teaching and belief of the Catholic Church, not the various abuses and misuses …

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Episode 71: Finding Common Ground Between a Catholic and a Protestant? What We Can Agree On.

Episode 71: Finding Common Ground Between a Catholic and a Protestant? What We Can Agree On.

Catholics & Protestants may disagree on a lot…and we’ve talked about many of those issues…but we also agree on a lot! The fundamentals of the Christian faith are in agreement between both of our traditions. Our video on our favorite things about each other’s faith tradition: https://youtu.be/iMlq4N9oRAE?si=q1z4zGYtZS4wSBth Truth Unites on Divine Simplicity: https://youtu.be/wlpdpAnVwgI?si=zjHWlISwFduUH9e4 Essence-Energies Distinction: …

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